Hair loss isn’t just restricted to the scalp, and neither is hair restoration. Thinning eyebrows can affect a person’s confidence. Likewise, being unable to grow a full beard can be frustrating for those who want thick facial hair. Thankfully, at Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa we offer both eyebrow transplant and beard transplant procedures at our Plano, Texas clinic.

Eyebrow Transplants at Plano, Texas

Have you been personally affected by the skinny eyebrow trend of the 2000s? Are you struggling to regrow natural eyebrows? When penciling and tattooing no longer create the look you want, eyebrow transplant surgery is an option here at our hair clinic in Plano, Texas. Dr. Joseph Yaker performs eyebrow transplants to help patients achieve their aesthetic goals.

The eyebrow transplant is part science and part art. The surgeon artistically crafts the shape of the transplanted eyebrow, based on the patient’s facial anatomy and bone structure. Surgeon and patient collaborate on the design and the outcome – each case is unique, so the process is personalized.

The procedure begins with the examination and removal of the donor follicles. This can be done with either Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) or Follicular Unit Extraction (SmartGraft FUE). The donor hair is taken from the back of the head where the hair is genetically programmed to not fall out. Next, the donor hair is dissected into single hair grafts.

An eyebrow transplant surgery requires 100-400 or more hairs per eyebrow depending on the transplant design. Recipient sites are created with special attention to ensure the results mimic the natural growth pattern of each eyebrow.

At Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa we utilize the most refined technique for eyebrow hair transplants, elevating the procedure into an art form and giving patients quality outcomes.

Facial Hair Transplants at Plano, Texas

Redefine your look with thick and rugged facial hair. Gain that full beard you have always wanted with facial hair transplant surgery at our Plano, Texas clinic.

At Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa we use the follicular unit extraction (SmartGraft FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT) techniques. In these procedures, donor hair is examined and harvested, either as a strip in FUT or one by one in FUE. Then the donor hair is dissected into single hair grafts. After this, recipient sites (incisions) are created with special attention given to the angle, orientation, and direction of each site.

Dr. Joseph Yaker utilizes the most refined technique for the facial hair transplant process, elevating the procedure into an artform to give patients superior final outcomes.

Downtime is minimal, most patients return to work within one week and resume exercise at ten days. Once the newly transplanted follicles are in place, hair growth will be permanent and will need to be groomed just like normal facial hair.

Regain dense, natural-looking facial hair at Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa in Plano, Texas!

Why Hair Transplant Is the Best Way to Restore Thicker Eyebrows or Grow a Full Beard

For those seeking a lasting solution to thin eyebrows or a patchy beard, hair transplant offers a transformative experience. Here are some compelling reasons why a hair transplant is considered the gold standard for restoring fuller eyebrows and beards:

1. Permanent Solution: Unlike cosmetic fixes like eyebrow pencils, powders, or temporary beard fillers, a hair transplant offers a permanent solution. Once the transplanted hair takes root and grows, it remains in place for a lifetime.

2. Natural Appearance: Because the transplant uses your own hair, the results look and feel 100% natural. There’s no risk of an artificial or “drawn-on” appearance. The direction, texture, and growth pattern of the transplanted hair align seamlessly with the surrounding hair.

3. Cost-effective in the Long Run: While the upfront cost of a hair transplant may seem high when you consider the recurring expenses of temporary solutions and maintenance over the years, a hair transplant becomes an economical choice.

4. Minimal Maintenance: Post-transplant, there’s no special routine required. The transplanted hair can be washed, trimmed, and styled just like the rest of your hair. This is a significant advantage over temporary solutions that require frequent touch-ups or special care.

5. Boosted Self-Confidence: A fuller beard or well-defined eyebrows can significantly enhance facial aesthetics. Many patients report a notable boost in self-confidence and satisfaction with their appearance post-procedure.

6. Safe and Proven: Under the hands of a skilled surgeon, hair transplantation is a safe procedure with predictable outcomes. The techniques and tools have been refined over decades, with millions of successful procedures carried out worldwide.

7. No Scarring: Especially with methods like Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), there is minimal to no visible scarring in the donor area. This means patients can wear their hair in any style without concerns about hiding scars.

Eyebrow and Beard Transplant Cost

When considering a cosmetic procedure, understanding the cost is essential for making an informed decision. The price for eyebrow and beard transplants can vary based on several factors:

1. Geographic Location: The region or city where the clinic is located can influence the cost. For example, clinics in metropolitan areas or those with a higher cost of living might charge more than those in smaller towns.

2. Expertise of the Surgeon: A surgeon’s experience and reputation in the field can play a significant role in the pricing. Highly sought-after specialists might have higher fees than those who are less established.

3. Complexity of the Procedure: The amount of hair that needs to be transplanted, the desired thickness, and the specifics of a patient’s hair growth can determine the complexity of the procedure. A more intricate transplant might require more time and resources, affecting the cost.

4. Technique Used: As mentioned, there are different techniques for hair transplantation, such as Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (SmartGraft FUE). Each method might have its own pricing structure.

5. Number of Sessions Required: Some patients might achieve their desired results in a single session, while others might require multiple sessions to ensure optimal hair density. The total cost would reflect the number of sessions.

6. Post-Procedure Care: The cost might also include post-surgery care, medications, and any special shampoos or serums recommended for optimal recovery and hair growth.

7. Additional Costs: Always inquire about any additional or hidden costs. Some clinics might charge separately for consultation, anesthesia, or facility fees.

At Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa, we believe in transparency and strive to provide our patients with a clear understanding of the cost involved. While providing top-tier services, we ensure that our pricing remains competitive.

We also offer various financing options to make the procedure accessible to as many individuals as possible. For a detailed breakdown and personalized quote, we recommend scheduling a consultation with our team.

Why Choose Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa?

Expertise Matters: At Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa, patients are guaranteed expert treatment. Dr. Joseph Yaker, with years of experience, is known for producing results that not only meet but often exceed patient expectations. Dr. Yaker has also been recognized as one of the best hair transplant doctors for 2023 by Ape to Gentleman.

State-of-the-Art Facility: Our Plano clinic boasts the latest in hair transplant technology. From our sophisticated instruments to our comfortable recovery rooms, we’ve designed our facility with the patient’s comfort and safety in mind.

Personalized Care: Every patient’s hair growth pattern is different. We prioritize personalized treatment plans to cater to individual needs, ensuring optimal results.

Book a Consultation at the Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Plano, Texas.

Hair transplant procedures have revolutionized the field of cosmetic enhancement. With state-of-the-art techniques like those available at Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa, achieving that desired look of thick eyebrows or a full beard has never been more attainable.

Interested in Hair Transplants? Schedule a consultation at our Plano, Texas clinic. YAKER Hair Restoration + Med Spa treats patients in Plano and Richardson, Texas, and nearby areas including Dallas, Irving, Arlington, and Fort Worth.