Regrow Your Hair Naturally with PRP Treatment for Hair Loss

hair loss

Are you someone who has been experiencing hair loss and is looking for a solution that doesn’t involve surgery? You’re not alone. Non-surgical hair restoration solutions are becoming a popular option for men and women experiencing hair loss but aren’t ready for a hair transplant. One of the most exciting non-surgical hair loss treatments available today is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and we are happy to offer it at Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa. 

What is PRP for Hair Loss?

Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a natural substance derived from your own blood that is rich in powerful growth factors. These growth factors are essential for cell growth, tissue repair, and collagen production. When injected into the scalp, PRP treatment stimulates hair growth and awakens dormant hair follicles, making it a great option for those with thinning hair or early hair loss.

Studies have shown that PRP treatment is an effective hair restoration solution. One study even suggests that PRP treatment for hair loss is more effective than other hair loss treatments like minoxidil, finasteride, and adult stem cell-based therapy.


What to Expect

PRP therapy starts with a simple blood draw, from which a small amount of blood is extracted and spun in a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the rest of the blood. The PRP is then injected into the scalp using a very fine needle. The entire process usually takes less than an hour, and most patients experience little to no discomfort. 

After the treatment, you can expect to see some redness and swelling in the treated area, but this usually goes away within a day or two. Results start to become noticeable within a few weeks, with the full effects becoming apparent after several months. 

However, it’s important to manage your expectations as results can vary from patient to patient. This is why it’s important to consult a board-certified hair transplant doctor to administer your PRP injection like Dr. Yaker. 


Real Results: PRP Therapy Before and After Photos

Each hair restoration before and after photo is a story of not just restoring hair but also confidence. These patients have come to Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa to restore hair growth PRP and they are so happy with their results. We have more beautiful before and after photos like these. Head to our gallery to see more. 

hair loss hair loss


PRP or Hair Transplant: Which Is Best for You?

While both treatments can be effective in restoring hair growth, PRP treatment is a non-surgical option that uses the body’s own healing abilities and there’s no downtime. On the other hand, hair transplant surgery involves harvesting follicular units from the donor area and transplanting them to the balding area. It’s a more invasive procedure and requires downtime for recovery.

The best way to know what hair restoration solution is right for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Yaker at the Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa. Call us to book your appointment today. We serve patients in Plano and Richardson, Texas, and surrounding areas, including  Dallas, Irving, Arlington, and Fort Worth. 

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