Treatment Options for Female Hair Loss

Hair loss affects up to 50% of women. While there are many options available in the market, only a few have been proven effective for hair loss. Read further to find out the causes of female hair loss and the treatment options that actually work.

The Causes of Female Hair Loss

Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during menopause or pregnancy, can lead to hair loss in women. When estrogen and progesterone levels drop,  hair follicles can shrink and hair production can slow down. A decrease in these hormones will trigger androgens – male hormones that cause hair thinning when the body produces them in large amounts.

Other causes of hair loss in women include stress, nutritional deficiencies, thyroid conditions, and scalp infections.

Treatment Options for Female Hair Loss

Medical, surgical and therapeutic options can be used to effectively treat hair loss in women.

Medicine for Hair Loss

Minoxidil, which is sold under the brand name Rogaine, is a topical solution that is applied to the scalp. It is FDA-approved for the treatment of hair loss in women. Minoxidil can slow down or stop hair loss, and it can also help regrow hair. The results may take several months to be noticeable, and you will need to keep using the medication to maintain the results.

Finasteride is another medication that is used to treat hair loss in women. It is a pill that is taken orally, and it works by blocking the production of the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone). DHT is thought to play a role in hair loss, so by inhibiting its production, finasteride can help to prevent or slow down hair loss.

Hair Transplant and ACell Therapy

Hair transplantation is another option for treating hair loss in women. This is a surgical procedure in which hair follicles are taken from one area of the scalp and transplanted to the balding area.

If surgery is not an option, you may consider ACell therapy . ACell is regenerative medicine that helps the body heal itself at the cellular level.  ACell therapy is often used in combination with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, which is a treatment that uses your own blood to promote healing.

Hormonal Balance

In some cases, hair loss may be temporary, and no treatment will be necessary. If your hair loss is due to a hormonal imbalance, it will usually resolve itself once your hormones have stabilized. If hair loss is due to stress, it is often temporary and will grow back once the stressor has been removed.

Restoring Hair Density and Health

Bringing your hair back to its natural density and health is possible with the right treatment plan. If you are experiencing hair loss, consult with a hair loss specialist to determine the best course of action for you.

Contact the team at Yaker Hair Restoration to learn more about the treatment options for your hair loss. We serve patients in Plano and Richardson, Texas, and surrounding areas, including  Dallas, Irving, Arlington, and Fort Worth. 

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