Hair Transplant Surgery


Hair loss is a common yet often upsetting occurrence for many people. When non-surgical remedies fall short in slowing down, halting, or reversing hair loss, exploring other potent solutions is recommended. Dr. Joseph Yaker, a distinguished hair transplant surgeon from Plano, TX, administers Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) for those yearning for fuller, naturally appearing hair. FUE is a minimally invasive hair restoration surgery that relies on cutting-edge technology to identify and extract hair follicles accurately. This method deploys a tiny (0.8mm – 1.0mm) rounded tool or “punch” to separate individual hair grafts. Although the FUT (or “strip method”) method yields remarkable results, the FUE approach tends to be the favorite as it is minimally invasive, requires neither scalpel nor stitches and avoids leaving observable linear scars on the back of the scalp. Dr. Yaker provides the advanced SmartGraft™ hair transplant system for FUE, a technology that skillfully merges art and science to generate impressive, long-lasting results for both men and women.


“I started losing hair fast, no reason, no thyroid problem. Dr yaker suggested me to
use laser cap, his hair care product line and hair formula to apply on scalp. In few
months, I saw a big difference , lot of…
– R.L. / Yelp / Jun 13, 2016


Dr. Yaker takes pride in being the first in Texas to introduce the most cutting-edge, automated surgical FUE technology to his patients. Using the SmartGraft™ system, individual hair follicles are delicately extracted via a sophisticated, suction-assisted handpiece. These follicles are then safely gathered and stored in a sterile, temperature-regulated solution. This solution ensures that the gathered hairs remain hydrated and robust while awaiting transplantation.

The SmartGraft™ FUE procedure is a procedure with minimal invasiveness that does not require a scalpel or stitches and reduces patient discomfort. Therefore, this superior technique results in reduced procedure duration, improved patient comfort, and expedited recovery periods.


For both men and women of all hair colors and types who prefer a non-invasive hair restoration procedure, SmartGraft™ FUE is highly recommended. It’s suited not only for those with significant hair loss but also for people who wish to boost hair density in thinning spaces. Individuals who maintain short hairstyles and live energetic lifestyles would also find this method beneficial. Dr. Yaker can apply SmartGraft™ FUE to enhance the cosmetic appearance of the scalp in patients who have residual scars, for example, from an earlier FUT hair transplant procedure that resulted in a linear scar.



Choosing the most suitable hair loss treatment from a multitude of promising options can be a daunting task today. Dr. Yaker acknowledges this and strives to offer comprehensive information during the consultation. This ensures that every patient feels assured about making the most optimal personal decision. SmartGraft™ FUE procedures are carried out at Dr. Yaker’s certified surgical facility and typically begin in the morning and conclude in the late afternoon. Nonetheless, the duration varies based on the amount of hair to be transplanted. Our team will provide a local anesthetic and oral sedative during the procedure. Patients are encouraged to dress in comfortable clothes and may watch TV or listen to music during the treatment.


In the consultation phase, Dr. Yaker will address the patient’s aesthetic goals and indicate the number of grafts needed to achieve these desired results. The grafting hair is taken from the posterior scalp, a part of the scalp that is characterized by permanent, constant hair growth. For moderate to large SmartGraft™ FUE procedure, shaving the entire back and sides of the scalp might be required. Typically, for smaller procedures (requiring about 1,000 to 1,200 grafts), just a small portion of the hair has to be shaved off, and this can easily be covered by the hair surrounding it. The shaved donor areas, therefore, will not be visible once the procedure has been carried out. The extraction procedure takes place in a highly random pattern. It will ensure, then, that the hair around the grafts that were removed will regrow again and cover the very tiny “micro-dots”–the only real clues to the fact the patient has had a SmartGraft™ FUE procedure. When a hair follicle is transplanted, it will permanently grow in its new position.


Dr. Yaker creates the recipient sites where the donor hair will be transplanted with artistic precision according to the right angle, depth, orientation, and density required to have desirable results. The number of grafts or the number of procedures necessary to attain the patient’s desired look varies based on individual patient circumstances, such as the level of quality, hair loss, texture of donor hair, and follicular density.


Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a potent growth factor substance created from a small volume of a patient’s blood. This mixture is used by Dr. Yaker, who soaks removed hair grafts in it and then injects it into specific treatment zones. This process aids in tissue restoration, promotes healing, and encourages hair regeneration.


The SmartGraft™ FUE technique is mostly non-invasive and avoids the need for scalpel usage or stitches. Therefore, post-surgery discomfort is significantly reduced. Most patients can resume their regular routines within one to two days. Following Dr. Yaker’s detailed post-operation protocol is crucial to guarantee successful healing and hair growth. Patients receive a personalized post-surgery package that includes a unique hair follicle growth spray, a therapeutic shampoo, and conditioner exclusively designed by Dr. Yaker, and a particular blend of amino acid complex hair repair supplements. During the first day after the operation, tiny scabs resembling pinheads may appear surrounding the implanted hair follicles. These scabs generally disappear within a timeframe of seven to ten days. Patients can expect the donor area at the rear of the head to regain its normal appearance about seven to ten days post-surgery. A few weeks after the surgery, the implanted follicles enter a dormant phase lasting for three to four months, followed by hair loss to pave the way for new hair growth. This is a normal occurrence since the follicles remain vigorous and healthy beneath the skin. At this stage, most patients will look nearly identical to their pre-surgery appearance until the new hair starts to grow.


You can expect the start of new hair growth in 3 to 4 months following the operation. By the seventh month, nearly half of the new, transplanted hair should have begun to sprout. Around the 9 months, expect about 80% of the hair grafts to have started growing. Between 12 to 18 months post-surgery, areas previously affected by hair loss will display thicker, fuller hair — a joyous result for patients.


The cost of SmartGraft™ FUE is reliant on the number of required grafts to meet the patient’s target. On occasion, multiple sessions are necessary to attain the requested coverage and density. The costs generally lie between $8 to $9 per graft. The actual cost of your hair transplant will hinge on the extent of hair loss and the number of grafts required. For some, a mere 1,000 grafts can bring a discernible change. Others might require upwards of 3,000 grafts or more to achieve their preferred outcome.



The distinct advantage of SmartGraft™ lies in its delivery of natural-looking hair restoration. It gives Dr. Yaker the opportunity to employ his artistic skills to craft life-altering and lasting outcomes. Patients can sport hairstyles of any length or manner since the transplants yield regular, natural hair growth. However, it’s worth remembering that hair loss is a progressive condition, and hair transplantation doesn’t stop non-transplanted hair from continuing to thin and ultimately bald. Therefore, recurrent non-surgical and surgical treatments might be necessary to keep pace with ongoing hair loss.


The extraction of grafts during the procedure results in hardly noticeable, flat “micro-dots.” Even though SmartGraft™ FUE doesn’t generate discernible scarring, these small “micro-dot” scars could be visible if the head is completely shaved. Nevertheless, hair can be trimmed down to 1/8th of an inch (equivalent to 1 guard on an electric razor) without the scars drawing attention.


The SmartGraft™ FUE technology can be performed on any color and type of hair. During the consultation, Dr. Yaker will specify any special requirements that must be taken prior to surgery.


Small graft extraction using the SmartGraft™ FUE approach offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Minimally invasive without the use of a scalpel or stitches
  • Precise and efficient extraction, collection, and storage of hair grafts
  • Minimal post-operative pain
  • Quicker recovery
  • Virtually undetectable flat “micro-dot” scarring

Whether a patient selects SmartGraft™ FUE or the FUT (or “strip method”), the outcomes will be almost identical. The variation lies entirely in the graft extraction process concerning the donor area. For a better understanding of the differences between these two techniques, we suggest visiting our FUT/SMARTGRAFT™ FUE comparison page.


If thinning or balding hair has been causing you undue stress, we urge you to contact our office promptly. Dr. Yaker is equipped to provide you with an in-depth consultation and a comprehensive treatment roadmap, ensuring a long-lasting and effective resolution.



Hair transplant surgery has evolved significantly over the past 20 years. During the first several decades of its practice, patients could restore their hair, but the process was associated with a “doll hair” look. However, this is no longer the case. Significant advances in surgical technique and technology have made it possible to move the “plug” method to a “follicular unit” approach where small clusters of one to four hair follicles are transplanted.

Today, the superior process is used for all hair transplant surgeries. Plano, Texas hair restoration surgeon Dr. Joseph Yaker, performs the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), or “strip method,” as one surgical option for hair restoration. Check out our FUT hair transplant before and after photos here.


FUT is a procedure that removes a thin strip of skin with healthy hairs from the back and/or sides of the scalp where hair growth is permanent and not subject to balding. This strip is then dissected into hundreds to thousands of individual follicular unit grafts using microscopic dissection. These individual grafts, which typically contain between 1 to 4 hairs, are then transplanted into tiny sites created by Dr. Yaker in areas where hair is desired.

The results from FUT appear natural and with great hair thickness. Thin linear scarring, however, on the back of the head does occur with this procedure and is something to consider when weighing the options for hair restoration.


“I started losing hair fast, no reason, no thyroid problem. Dr yaker suggested me to
use laser cap, his hair care product line and hair formula to apply on scalp. In few
months, I saw a big difference , lot of…
– R.L. / Yelp / Jun 13, 2016


The ideal candidate for a FUT hair transplant is someone with balding or thinning hair but still has enough hair that can be used to complete the transplant. Follicular Unit Transplantation is recommended for both men and women with advanced hair loss looking for a permanent solution to restore their hair and have adequate donor hair to cover current and future areas of loss.

Those who wear their hair very short (less than 1/2 an inch) may not be suitable for this procedure because of the linear scar left on the scalp’s back. As a result, the SmartGraft™ FUE procedure may be an appropriate choice for you.



Patients undergoing FUT will arrive at Dr. Yaker’s accredited surgical facility in the morning and typically stay until late afternoon. The length of time for the procedure will vary depending on the number of grafts needed to obtain the desired results. A local anesthetic and oral sedative are given before treatment. Patients are advised to wear comfortable clothing, and they can listen to music, watch TV, or nap while the procedure takes place.


The area where the donor hair is removed is located on the back of the scalp, where the most hair density arises and the best probability for permanent growth. Dr. Yaker removes the donor tissue in a single thin strip during surgery. Once removed, the strip is closed using sutures. After the skin is closed, the hair above the donor site incision will easily conceal it to hide it immediately following the procedure.

The scar will result in a thin line, usually 1-2 millimeters in width. The number of follicles that can be transplanted overall depends on your donor area and its characteristics, such as hair texture, follicle density, and scalp elasticity.  


Once the strip has been removed, it is meticulously dissected into individual follicular units using a microscope to ensure each hair is separated with precision. These follicular grafts naturally occur in collections of 1-4 hairs follicles. The recipient areas where the hair is to be transplanted are created by making tiny incisions. These sites are placed according to the correct angle, depth, orientation, and density required to achieve the best cosmetic result.

The number of grafts and procedures required to achieve the patient’s desired look depends on individual patient characteristics, such as degree of hair loss, donor hair quality and texture, and follicular density.


Dr. Yaker bathes the hairs grafts and injects the transplanted area and donor area of the scalp with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to maximize the healing and growth process. This autologous therapy consists of a concentrated mixture of powerful growth factors that are made from the patient’s own blood. 


After FUT surgery, patients are given a specific post-operative hair care plan to follow at home. This includes a customized post-operative kit with a follicle growth spray, shampoo, conditioner, and Aminoplex hair repair supplements. Following the procedure, small scabs will form on the transplanted sites but will go away within 7 to 10 days. Patients can return to their normal activities within a couple of days, but they should avoid exercise for at least a week.

In the third and fourth week following the procedure, the transplanted grafts will shed and go into a resting phase. This is a normal process as the follicles underneath push out the old hair, making room for new, healthy hair. The new hair will grow at around 3 to 4 months following surgery. Patients will need to return to the office for suture removal at around 10-12 days.


In seven months, most patients will have about 50% of new hair growing in, and by the end of nine months, typically 80% of the hair grafts start to grow. During this time, areas that showed thinning will become denser, and new hair will appear where the grafts were placed, blending in with your native hair. It generally takes a full year, or longer, for all grafts to show their full growth.

Regardless of which hair transplant procedure you take, both FUT and FUE offer the same results. The only difference between the two procedures is how the donor hair is removed from the back of the scalp. Patients can get back the youthful look they’ve been missing with naturally appearing fuller, thicker hair.


FUT allows for a much larger graft extraction in a single session and is more economical than FUE hair transplantation. FUE prices are the same price as the FUT procedure. Both FUT and FUE procedures range from $8 to $9 per graft, depending on the size of each case.



While FUT results in a linear scar, a skilled surgeon will minimize the scarring as much as possible. Using a trichophytic closure approach, once healed, the linear line will be faint (1-2 mm) and can be camouflaged as long as the hair is not shaved or very short.


The average recovery time for FUT is about 5-7 days. Patients will have noticeable scabbing with pinkness over the transplanted area for at least 7 days to 10 days. Some may retain pinkness over their scalp for up to 2 weeks if they have fair skin.


For almost all hair transplant patients, virtually all transplanted hair is permanent and lasts a lifetime. It’s important to note that hair loss is a progressive disease and that hair transplant surgery does not stop non-transplanted hair on top of the scalp from continuing to thin and eventually bald. Therefore, you may need further nonsurgical and/or surgical treatments to keep up with the rate of continuing hair loss. 


With so many innovative hair loss treatments available today, it can be challenging to find the best one. Patients seeking surgery have two very effective solutions with either FUT or FUE.


Follicular Unit Transplantation has produced outstanding outcomes for countless patients, allowing them to live confident and carefree lives with fuller heads of hair. If you have been considering getting a hair restoration surgery and are ready to take the next step, we invite you to call the office of Dallas, Texas, hair transplant surgeon Dr. Joseph Yaker and schedule your consultation today.



For years, hair transplant surgery has changed the lives of countless men and women worldwide. The most important feature of a successful hair transplant involves a natural-appearing cosmetic outcome without any signs of the treatment being detectable. Plano, Texas, hair transplant surgeon Dr. Joseph Yaker has the experience, acumen, and artistry to produce excellent results by naturally framing the face and improving hair density using living and growing hair.


Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) are safe and effective hair transplant procedures performed to restore one’s hair loss. FUE has gained popularity in the past few years due to its minimally invasive nature. However, FUT is still the most common procedure performed worldwide.

The primary difference between FUT and FUE hair transplants is how the donor hair is removed from the back of the scalp. FUT, the “strip method,” uses a scalpel to remove a thin strip of donor hair from the back of the head. The edges are then sutured together.

With FUE, individual follicular units are isolated and extracted from the same donor area using a circular micro-punch device and transplanted to the recipient area. The hair follicles are removed randomly, allowing the surgeon to harvest hair from the donor site with less noticeable thinning of the area. No stitches are required.

Both approaches separate refined, healthy hair grafts that contain natural groupings of 1 to 4 hairs each, and thousands may be used during the transplant process. In FUE and FUT hair transplants, the donor sites are areas of the scalp where the hair is genetically determined to grow for a lifetime, such as the sides and back of the head.


There are differences between the scarring that forms on the donor area following surgery. With Follicular Unit Transplants (FUT), each patient will develop a narrow, linear scar that measures less than 1-2 millimeters in width. The scar is undetectable, as the hair above it will conceal it. To minimize the chances of showing a thin scar, it’s necessary to typically keep your hair no shorter than ¼ to ½ an inch. It is less likely to see visible scars on the donor area with FUT in many instances except on careful examination.

Patients who prefer to wear their hair relatively short will appreciate the FUE procedure. Instead of having one thin scar across the back of the scalp, patients who undergo FUE will have multiple tiny micro-scars. Since the hair grafts are extracted in a randomized pattern, the surrounding hair camouflages the flat circular scars so that they are virtually undetectable. For most cases, extensive shaving of the back of the scalp is required for larger cases.


The main advantage of FUT hair transplant is that more hair can be transplanted in one session. Patients who want more density over a larger area of hair loss would benefit from this procedure. For FUT, Dr. Yaker generally does not transplant more than 2,500 to 3,000 grafts in a day due to the long duration of the case. For hand-held motorized FUE, Dr. Yaker limits his procedure to 2,000 to 2,500 grafts due to the tedious nature of graft extraction. The ability to create dense results is no different with either technique.


For both FUT and FUE procedures, recipient site creation and hair graft implantation are performed with the same aesthetic principles, thereby achieving a hair density result that looks completely full and natural.


Pain is a subjective feeling, so patients will have different experiences with each procedure. Hair transplantation is always done under local anesthesia and with an oral sedative, so pain during the procedure is minimal and mostly related to receiving the local anesthesia on the scalp. 

Postoperative pain is mild to moderate and may last up to 7 days following an FUT procedure. Pain is usually on and around the incision line. The pain from an FUE procedure is minimal, typically lasting at most 3-4 days, as the tiny micro-dot incisions heal relatively fast.


It’s important to remember that there is no fixed cost for hair transplants. The cost of most hair transplant surgeries is calculated by a range of grafts needed for coverage of the area of thinning hair. At Yaker, both FUT and FUE range from $8 to $9 per graft, depending on the size of each case. 


FUT and FUE techniques will provide each patient with incredibly youthful results. You should consider FUT if your main goal is to achieve maximum fullness from hair restoration. However, if you want a faster healing time and avoid the linear donor scar from FUT, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) might be a better option. 

But there is really no best method, as each procedure has its advantages and disadvantages. Choosing which procedure is right for you is a personal decision. However, Dr. Yaker will go over both techniques in great detail during the consultation and help you determine which surgery is best suited for you.


Use of Scalpel or Sutures No Yes
Invasiveness Less More
Hair Length Preference Short Medium
Donor Area Required For Large Sessions Shave entire donor area Long, thin strip
Scarring Multiple, virtually undetectable micro-dots One linear strip
Maximum Follicies Harvested per Session 2,000 – 2,500 Grafts 3,000 Grafts
Pain Level Minimal Mild to Moderate
Healing Time of Donor Site 3-4 Days 10-14 Days
Return to Moderate Activities 3-5 Days 7 Days
Subsequent Session 4-6 Months 12 Months
Cost $6-$8 per graft $6-$8 per graft