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When it comes to changing up their personal style, men often look towards facial hair to redefine their look or make a fashion statement. Sometimes, the added facial hair can give a guy that masculine feeling within just a couple of days of new growth. For some men, however, facial hair is sparse or missing, which can be frustrating.

Fortunately, facial hair transplant surgery is now a common cosmetic procedure to help men gain a full beard and ongoing growth. Plano, Texas hair restoration surgeon Dr. Joseph Yaker, offers Follicular Unit Extraction (SmartGraft™ FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) for men who desire facial hair restoration.
Today, the superior process is used for all hair transplant surgeries. Plano, Texas hair restoration surgeon Dr. Joseph Yaker, performs the Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), or “strip method,” as one surgical option for hair restoration. Check out our FUT hair transplant before and after photos here.


The lack of facial hair growth or patchy beards can result from genetics, electrolysis, scarring from physical trauma or surgery, or congenital defects (i.e., cleft lip). But regardless of the reason, facial hair restoration surgery can enhance your appearance by producing dense, natural-looking facial hair.

An uncommon form of hair loss, alopecia barbae, is a type of alopecia areata, which occurs when the body’s immune system attacks its own hair follicles, leading to smooth, hairless patches on the beard. Treatment for alopecia barbae includes corticosteroid injections and not facial hair transplantation.


Men experiencing facial hair loss or struggle to grow facial hair are good candidates for hair transplantation surgery. Facial hair transplant surgery is performed using SmartGraft™ FUE or FUT, where hair is taken from the back of the scalp and re-implanted into the facial areas where the patient desires new growth.

The main difference between the two procedures is how the donor hair is removed from the back of the scalp. This technique is very delicate by nature, and thus Dr. Yaker ensures that the facial hair lines are drawn accurately and that the placement and direction of the hairs are implanted so that they appear natural and mimic normal hair growth. The average amount of grafts used for facial hair transplant surgery is indicated below:

  • Mustache: 350-500 grafts
  • Complete goatee: Up to 1,500 grafts
  • Sideburns: 200-250 grafts on each side
  • Beard: 300-3,000 grafts depending on areas of loss and desired result


SmartGraft™ FUE or FUT for the face are both performed using a local anesthetic and an oral sedative. With FUE hair transplant, individual hairs are removed from the scalp with the follicles intact using a micro-punch device. With FUT, a strip of tissue is surgically removed from the back of the head, and the hair grafts are dissected from this tissue.  

A facial hair transplant procedure lasts 2-8 hours, depending on the patient’s aesthetic desires. Following the procedure, tiny red scabs will appear over the newly transplanted follicles but will go away within one week. At around 3-4 weeks, the transplanted hairs will begin to fall out. This is a completely normal process, as the follicles below the skin are still in place and will begin to grow new hair at around 3-4 months.

The newly transplanted facial hair is permanent and fits in well with the texture and pattern of their natural hair in other areas of their face. Once grown in, men can groom the hair just like normal facial hair. 


Facial hair transplant surgery is performed in our accredited hair restoration surgical center. The price will vary depending on how many grafts are needed to achieve the desired cosmetic result.



Yes, once the newly transplanted follicles are in place, hair growth will be permanent and need to be groomed just like normal facial hair. Once the hair begins growing in, you’re free to style your new beard however you want.


Men who struggle with growing a full beard or facial hair are good candidates for this surgery. This means their facial hair does not grow fully or may appear scarce or patchy. For this surgery to be successful, there must be enough healthy hair follicles in the donor area (i.e., the back of the scalp). 


For facial hair restoration, Dr. Yaker uses both Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). Both procedures offer great results. He will discuss which method is more appropriate after discussing your aesthetic goals based on how you wear your hair and the appropriate donor site. This is usually a big deciding factor when choosing which surgery to use.

Visit our comparison page to find more information regarding SmartGraft™ FUE and FUT.


Follicular Unit Transplantation has produced outstanding outcomes for countless patients, allowing them to live confident and carefree lives with fuller heads of hair. If you have been considering getting a hair restoration surgery and are ready to take the next step, we invite you to call the office of Dallas, Texas, hair transplant surgeon Dr. Joseph Yaker and schedule your consultation today.
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