About Yaker Hair Restoration + Med Spa

Hair often leaves a first and lasting impression. It’s not just hair; it’s more. It’s how we judge others, how we style it, the color, the amount. Hair is personal. It shows style and boosts confidence. But what if it starts falling out? That’s hard for all of us. Men, women, everyone feels it. No need to lose hope, though! Modern hair restoration techniques can control, sometimes reverse, and often restore hair! Meet Dr. Joseph Yaker from Plano, TX, a hair restoration specialist. Treating early hair thinning to severe baldness, he provides personalized and effective solutions for pleasant results.



The dermal papilla is vital for hair growth. It’s part of a hair follicle. It runs the hair growth cycle and forms new hair follicles.

It gets its energy from the blood supply nearby. Now, here are some hair facts! As many of us think, hair doesn’t grow one strand at a time. It pops out from our scalp in groups of 1-4 hairs. Why? Hair follicles have friends! They bundle together in groups known as “follicular units.”

Visible strands on our heads are known as hair shafts. Despite being “dead,” we spend lots of money on styling, cutting, and dyeing them. They lack a blood supply, nerves, or muscles. That’s why cutting doesn’t cause pain or blood. The hair follicles beneath our scalps, which grow these shafts, are the only living parts.


A typical scalp has roughly 110,000 to 150,000 hair follicles.

Each day, 50-100 hairs fall out, but new ones take their place. This explains hairs on your pillow, clothes, comb, or shower drain. Hair grows irregularly in 3 stages. If it grew all at once, we’d be bald and then have hair again. As we age, these cycles shift: growth (anagen) shortens, and rest (telogen) lengthens.



The initial growth stage is the anagen phase. It’s when hair actively grows. About 85-90% of hair is in this phase at any time, lasting 2 to 6 years. Hair usually grows roughly half an inch monthly. Those with short hair typically have shorter growth periods.


After the anagen phase, hair goes into the catagen phase. This phase is a transition phase that lasts for about 2 weeks. It happens when the bulb disconnects from the usual blood supply, pushing the hair shaft up.


The last phase of the hair growth cycle is called the telogen phase. It lasts 3 to 4 months and is known as the “resting” phase because there is no extra growth. At the end of this phase, the hair follicle returns to the anagen phase. A new hair starts to grow and pushes out the old one if it hasn’t fallen out yet. Approximately 10-15% of hair is in this phase at once.



The common medical term for hair loss is alopecia. It happens when the stages of hair growth are interrupted.

Hair loss conditions can also be temporary or permanent. Genetics, androgens, male hormones, and age are the three factors that determine androgenetic alopecia hair loss in men and women. Genetic hair loss can occur from both sides of your family and may bypass a generation. Hereditary hair loss is the case with roughly 50 million men and 30 million women in the U.S. alone.


Various medical and scalp conditions, nutritional deficiencies, medications, hormonal imbalances, physical trauma, and certain hair care practices and styles can affect hair growth cycles and damage hair follicles. Hair loss is usually slow and gradual and can occur on the scalp or all over. Around 50 hairs may have been lost in that area when hair loss becomes noticeable. This can cause panic, as the person may not have realized they were losing hair until it became visible.


We can often solve the problem by getting rid of the cause or using treatments that don’t involve surgery. These methods help stop hair loss, improve hair quality, and grow it back. But, some hair loss issues are too severe or permanent to be treated without surgery. In these cases, we might need to think about a hair transplant. Here are some hair loss issues that Dr. Yaker treats:



Male and Female Pattern Baldness (Androgenetic Alopecia)
Alopecia Areata
Telogen Effluvium
Anagen Effluvium
Trichotillomania (early stage)
Traction Alopecia (early stage)


Trichotillomania (late stage)
Traction Alopecia (late stage)


The hair loss prevention and restoration industry has exploded in recent years.

The hair loss industry has boomed. People spend billions yearly on prevention products. Despite the investment, results may not meet expectations. New medical and surgical advances can slow and restore hair loss in both men and women. Technologies make it possible. Dr. Yaker offers advanced nonsurgical treatments that include his own hair products, medications, and therapies.


If you need surgery, Dr. Yaker uses the best methods like Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and SmartGraft™ Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). These are the latest minimally invasive options. 95%-98% of men with rapid hair loss have it because of genes, hormones, and aging. But, for women, the reasons can be lots of different things. To fight hair loss, we might need to try several things at once. We aim to slow or stop hair loss, improve your existing hair, and maybe even bring back some hair you thought was gone forever.


Contact us today if you’re experiencing noticeable hair thinning or bald spots. We specialize in hair restoration. Dr. Dr. Joseph Yaker, a surgeon in Plano, TX, will do a thorough medical assessment. This includes a scalp and hair DNA analysis for an exact diagnosis. This allows for personalized treatment.